My name is Gonzalo, played by me, a non published author and lawyer. I find myself in a fantastic Alice in Wonderland experience when my daily, uninspired life literally begun to unravel. I was thrown into crisis, questioning the fundamental premises of my life? that the reality I had believed in about how humans are, how relationships with others should be, dating, mating and how my emotions were affecting my work isn't reality at all!

sábado, febrero 11, 2006


En verdad un trashy sin sus amigos es absolutamente nada de nada.

De Izquierda a derecha Oscar –café-, arriba Yiyis y David, en medio la mujer mas trashy Yara, arriba de ella Gilberto de azul, al lado Horacio mi inteligente hermano, al lado de el de negro y rojo Gonzalo trashy, a mi lado Mari Jo sostendiendo el libro de Paris Hilton.En la mesa el juego de mesa de Sex and the city, cigarros, appletinis, lemon drops y cosmos.

La anfitriona Sara y mi querido amigo Roger what would I do without you guys?? *Noten las botellas y se imaginaran cómo terminamos.

Mari Jo trashy trashy trashy, Horacio mi bro y Yara trashieeeeeeeest best friend

Roger.... what can I say?? Ure the best!!

Mi amigo cabeza de huevo con su amigo el “ano” telefónico.

David y mi prima Yiya!!!

Oscar y la trashy Marisol